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RE: We Never Know When (An Original Poem)

in #poetry2 years ago

How much truth there is in these verses! Sometimes we do not give the true value to things. We feel that things, moments and people are eternal. Your poem made me remember my dead father. Whenever I would go on a trip, he would always say to me, "You bring me something good, daughter". For years, when he came home, I would bring him luxurious and expensive things. And when I would ask him, "And what did you bring me? He would tell me with a smile, "I saved you many kisses". I would say jokingly: "But those kisses are not as expensive as the gift I brought you!!!! Right now I would give anything, half my life, to receive those kisses from my father. "Nobody knows what he has until he loses it. Thank you for giving me reasons for this memory. Certainly: "We never know when". So let's enjoy life and our loved ones. A hug, Eric


Thanks Nancy, I know what you mean. My Father and I shared the same sense of humor. My wife tells me that I never laugh anymore as hard as I did when I talked with my Dad. Middle age seems to be a succession of "lasts". As I was writing this I remembered the last time I said goodbye to my Father. I had come in town for a visit and they dropped me off at the airport. He got out of the car as I was unloading my suitcase. I hugged him, having no idea it would be for the last time. I cherish those memories, we made so many good ones! Have a wonderful weekend!

Are you all right, my friend? I saw news of the bad weather in that area and remembered you. I just saw that you haven't posted for days. I hope you are enjoying your vacation and writing a lot!!! A hug and take care of yourself

Hi Nancy! All is well here. The weather has gotten warmer so we’ve been hiking a lot. I’ll be posting new pictures of those hikes soon. I hope you’re having a good week!