Hello gang, I have a wee poem for you today, accompanied by a still of an animation I made - 'The Collective Unconscious' (which I'll post at a later date). I wrote the poem on the night of a blue moon...so inevitably it's about the moon, as well as mood cycles (something I'm compelled to write about due to my rather cyclical mood swings). Also, for those who don't know, 'Toska' is a Russian word that roughly translates to a particular kind of lugubriousness. It can range between a great spiritual anguish to a dispiriting boredom. Anyway, I hope y'all enjoy it.
now I see a full moon
soon to be coated in shadow
resurrecting pained bodies
ailments suddenly known
wounds as open
and vulnerable as ever
before, steaming dulcet toska
like blood
unil waif
left vacant and still
soon ready to be in light once more
thanks man :)