With all due respect!
I hear I have no authority to ask you questions,
There are galaxies full of them I would love to.
But the sadder part of not being able to question you,
Is not being able to question my inability to question you.
Wait, that was confusing.
What I meant to say was, I can't even question why I can't question you.
Why then do I have freewill and choices?
That was a question.
Look, there are too many uncharted phenomena,
Too many unexplored subjects and countless topics.
With due reverence,
I know we are not extraterrestrial beings,
I know we should have boundaries for the safety of us,
But isn't there too little we know, yet so much out of our...
I am so sorry, I get carried away sometimes.
With all due diligence and humility
Your creation is the only one of its kind,
Or wait, are there more species out there in...
I swear that was unintentional.
As I was about to note, your creation is one of a kind,
We are not perfect, but we were made by one who is.
Shouldn't we yearn to be like our maker?, Knowing everything that....
I think I should go now, since you know all my thoughts,
Need I ask again?
No more questions.
Best photos I ever seen.