Talk not to me of all th frowns of fate, OR adverse fortune.
Nor offend my ears, With tales of slavery suffering in Algiers,
Nor galley's chains, heavy, disconsolate. Speak not to me of fetter'd maniac's woes,
Nor proud one from his glory tumble down
Dimm'd honour, friend abandon'd, broken crown
These may be heavy sorrows; but who knows
To bend his head beneath the storms of life
With holy patience, he the shock will bear,
And see the thundering clouds disperse away.
But give to mortal man a jealous wife.
Then misery, galleys, fetters, frowns, dispair, loss, shame, dishonour, folly,
What are they?
Strange poem but I read it. Just wanted to say thank you for following me hope you like my new articles.