I am drawn to you.
I want to feel your soft and silk skin under my fingertips.
I want to feel each Goosebump, the irregularity, your warmth.
I want to taste your full lush lips, lick them suck them, bite them.
I want to feel your tongue dance with mine, fast, rough, hungrily .
I want to feel your body pressed against mine, no space between us.
I want to feel your breathe, your heartbeat, your pulse.
I want to inhale your scent into my lungs like an intoxicating flame.
I want to hear you scream my name in fear, in anger, in lust.
When you finally realize that I wrapped you around my finger.
That I used you, and manipulated you.
That I seduced you and betrayed you.
That I forced you on your knees to obey me.
Cry your bloody tears, for it's to late.
I am drawn to you, because you have let me in.
You opened your heart and soul for darkness.
Begged for freedom and wealth.
For a few days you got your wish, now its time to pay.
Your soul will be your way out.
Your blood shall turn into the finest wine.
Your flesh, a meal for hungry rats and flies.
Your heart, a burning pit of loss.
I am drawn to you because you spoke my name.
Wow! That was intense! I look forward to reading more!
Thank you kindly.