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RE: "For The People" (poem) >>> The Law, For It Whom?

in #poetry7 years ago (edited)

Your poem is clever and very well-crafted and tells the story of rule throughout history rather aptly. Some very adroit turns of phrase.

Laws seek to strike a balance. We are forever trying to find a balance between individual freedom and cohesive order, democracy and mass disenfranchisement. Ultimately we get the system we educate for, until the system becomes unbalanced, and then revolution and a new set point is obtained. Currently, we are somewhat will-nilly about the education side of things and give over to media inspired mainly by mercantile interests. Mercantile interests always sow dissatisfaction. Otherwise, we would not be inspired to buy beyond life essentials. Mercantile interests are not about balance. They are about attainment and provoking an imbalance.

Dissatisfaction has become ingrained and pathological. Enlightenment in all its guises, intellectual, spiritual, and psychological, are given a back seat in the nose bleeds, and so we are likely to fall to revolution yet again, revolution being the going around in circles, certainly not the turn Lincoln had envisioned. Perhaps we are well within one already. I know I get rather dizzy at times if I spend too much looking outside myself for contentment.



Pryde, as usual, your writing is ... beautiful.

Steemians, take note, THIS is how one: crafts thoughts into words; words into sentences; sentences into paragraphs; and paragraphs into arguments.

Indeed, this comment is so flawlessly composed, I will refrain from reply other than to refer you to one of Pryde's earlier posts. Again, beautiful writing, displaying a subtle yet sardonic wit worthy of Mark Twain.

For some fun, look through the comments section for an exchange between her and I ... even her comments are witty and beautifully composed.

Ahhh ... so sweet, Quill:):):) I am indeed flattered:)