Starstruck Penning. Poetry Audio Blog

in #poetry3 months ago

Starstruck Penning

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I find tremendous wonder and comfort looking up at the night sky. I always have. I remember as a child, my grandfather, who has since passed away telling me about the stars and how he used them to navigate his small sailboat, the one he had made himself. Looking back the boat seem small, but as child it was a floating house.
These days satellites and technology are what most use to find their way out on the open ocean. But there is comfort in knowing you can look up on a clear night, find the Big Dipper, or Ursa Major, as it is known in nerdier circles; and let it point you to Polaris; then you will know your way because you will know north, and as such all the other directions of the compass rose, provided you too were nerdy enough to put them to memory.

Living in the northern hemisphere, we are also treated to the return of Orion and his solar rhinestone hunting belt every fall. Three vibrant stars in a row give the constellation away, as the hunter rises from the horizon. From Orion, we can then find Taurus and the Pleiades, but not before making a wish that Betelgeuse will explode. No, not a hung-over looking Michael Keaton in stripped pyjamas, but the swollen, gassy red giant of a star that doubles as Orion's shoulder on the shooting arm. Fingers crossed we hope Betelgeuse will go supernova within our lifetime, that we might catch the rarest and brightest stellar events.


Orion Splintered

in the northern kingdom
the Pleiades shelter behind the glare
of a temperamental solar veil
Orion hunkers down
spent from the chase
he bides his time …

a revolving piece of infinity
a glint of a grain
in splintered stardust sand

Orion vows …
his chance will come again
the light will fade

Aldebaran will fall to Bellatrix’ arrow
Taurus will finally yield the way
the huntsmen will have his pick of sisters

the seven laugh
the bull raises his horns in mirth

time is on the marksman’s side
but still he mutates like the rest
the growth will go supernova
Betelgeuse splint a shooting arm
in a gravitational sling
the mighty hunter will loose his aim
submit to inevitability ...

a revolving piece of infinity
a glint of a grain
in splintered stardust sand


To Earth, Betelgeuse is unthinkably large; to the universe the red giant is nothing but an over heated marble. To the imagination, both the Earth and our second favorite massive ball of fusion, both the Earth and Betelgeuse easily are contained in a momentary thought. That is the thing about us creative types, our minds are roomy and hungry, as all, always consuming new ideas and spewing out new artistic attempts like the messiest event horizon.

Where does it all come from? Was there a thought Big Bang that started it all. Or was there a mind that always was? But I am getting tangental.

We have ideas and information to build on. Everything comes from what came before, but first, even the most full and knowledgeable mind must find space, and trust in meta-formed ideas, if it is to create something new. An artist, a poet, must let go of her thoughts, preconceptions and biases, herself, her ego, to allow the chaos, seemingly unattached ideas and image jumbles to find form, function, meaning, and even beauty. It is an intimacy and a vulnerability because one is not sure where she will end up or what she will discover.

Click here or on photo for spoken word.

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Somnabulist Penning

somnambulist penning
cursive in silken repose
trance-like reverie
lines, rolls, and dips
vapour trail verses
condense from thin air
decedent digits
enliven again

give over to fluttering muses
just close your eyes
take a leap
trust and let go
set your fingers free
only on phantom power
does the pen sprout plumes

the keyboard has no feathers
still stanzas grow wings

in the dream-state
remember, you're no zombie
far beyond the writing dead
for you, dear spirit, can fly

just take a breath
spread and steady your quills
listen ... now, translate the wind

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If you have listened in on me before, you know I like me some Taoist philosophy. In the following poem, I have labelled the Tao a she. Only a writing convention. I do not believe that creation, or the creator, can be defined so easily ... with a pronoun ... but we are talking about the creative aspect of the Divine, and well she makes more sense when we are speaking of giving birth even if it is just to ideas, artistic bric o brac, and poetic phrases and metaphor. Don't get lost in a pronoun; you will miss out on so much if you do. Whatever name you give to that unnameable, embraceable, and inescapable force, you have feel it to know it and to receive the healing.

In 14, I will speak of wisdom. I do not mean to get all egg-headed, know-it-ally on you. When I speak of wisdom, and I am only coming to understand this now, as I say these words. Wisdom is not being all smarty pants; it is offering words, and sometimes deeds, sometimes silence, that will heal suffering or prevent it in the first place. To offer this to another human being, just like with creativity, one must let go of self and allow a freer, freeing understanding to flow and that come in its purest form from that which you know to be divine.

Link to spoken word

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The Tao cannot be known through the senses

She has no one form
She has no one sound
She has no one smell

She cannot be defined by duality
She is not bright or dark
Good or evil

Thought and experimentation
Cannot contain her
Cannot fully understand her
She is all things, all things

Clear you mind of thought
See past the internal foe
Embody the Tao

Know true vision
Know true wisdom


Words and Images are my own.

Orion Splintered is published in Domesticate the Heavens. Somnambulist Penning is published in Monsters, Avatars, and Angels. 14 is published in 81, Poems from the Tao. All titles are available in paperback or digital through amazon and your local libraries and bookstores. Click on any title below to further explore and support my writing.








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It always feels glorious getting a view of the night sky, especially when it's clear enough to catch a sight of the stars and other heavenly sights. The experience is best enjoyed with a telescope or such. Thanks for the stimulating poetry. Have a nice weekend.

This is new technology and I didn't know about it earlier, now I know that it is also a fact that within poetry we get some special lessons that are useful in life.