The Dancer, Blog and Spoken Word Poetry

in #poetry2 months ago

The Dancer

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It has been snowy, grey, and cold in the hinterlands, these last few days. My outside time yesterday consisted of shovelling the walk, well shovelling and sweeping the steps, and patting down the snow to approximate the walk. Good luck finding the act concrete. The things I do for my amazon delivery person.

At some point and soon, I will have to organize the junk pile of old delivery boxes and egg shell carton that is the shed and put the lawn furniture inside. Or maybe, I will leave it out. If we get a warm spell, like only minus ten at night. Maybe I will fire up the gas pit and enjoy some stars or if we are really lucky northern light.

But who can find the time with all the blogging, teaching, and sleuthing out every little draft in my home to brave the northern exposed backyard. My back door is sealed up tight and I would have to go around the house to get to it. I love the seasons, the diversity of color , temperature, and breezes and even gales. But the north wind can settle its cranky caboose down, permanently, if you ask me. He takes the fun out of every party. And life should be a party. There should be waltzing, fox trotting and the running man on a daily basis. You don't have to do all them, just take your pick. Throw in your own variations.

This blog is going to be a shorter one and I don't think I will put it to audio. There will be more audio voyages soon. Right now, I am loving the play that Rumble is giving my videos, and it has inspired me to post some of my older spoken words ... the one's I still like ... onto the platform. Hoping 3speak will get up and running soon too.

Below is a link to the Dancer. The original title was the Last Striptease; now don't get excited, there is little X-rated about the verse; but truth be told the Youtube censors did get a little bothered, and it was not getting any play. I bowed to more prudish forces and renamed it.

Our titular character honours life, does dance away until that party-pooper the North Wind steals her away from the festivities.

Listen if you will and leave me comment if you do. I love hearing from you.

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Are you back and still reading. Thank you for listening and sticking with the blog. Going to get minime roused from his warm bed and take him ice skating in the arena, the next town over. Looking forward to what should be a beautiful winter drive through the back roads. Don't worry. I have 4 by 4 and brand-spanking new winter tires. We haven't been ice skating since last year and our noggins will be sealed under helmets too. Maybe I will grab some wintery type photos on the way back with the setting sun. I got some beautiful shots of the frozen lake nearby. But I am holding onto them for an audio blog. Anyways, Hivelanders, I hope you are warm and take a moment to dance every day, be it in the snow, rain, or sun. Dancing keeps you happy and healthy, your bones frost free. Love, love, love you. Drop me a comment. Let me know you were here.


Words and Images are my own.

The Danceris published in Monsters, Avatars, and Angels. Monsters, Avatars, and Angels, along with other titles, is available in paperback or digital through amazon and your local libraries and bookstores. Click on any title below to further explore and support my writing.







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Good advice! I forgot about dancing altogether. I should start doing this exercise soon!

I just did:)