Tyrannical with Naïveté
fold upon
there is only so far
the insubstantial can go
before bending
to a spacetime
indistinguishable particles
tattooed to a endless sliver
quantum strings
with fear and desire
insistence and struggle
a photon hydra
at war with its own
charged tentacles
an endless
lighted being
comes together
an en-masse
beautiful and complex
fractalled and delicate
birthing ALL
there will ever be
steadfast and changeable
with naïveté
Words and Images are my own.
Tyrannical with Naïveté was first published today.
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I read this as a response to pandemic lockdown life, and a lot of hysteria that has gone along with it.
I think I'd like to follow this up by going back to some of your other poems about rebirth; we'll recover, and (hopefully) be the better for it.
Thank you, Victor. As insane as it all it is, there is still beauty and love. As more truth finds its way to the surface, we will take a deeper look at ourselves and we will find better ways of maintaining balance and compassion. I believe that too. As tyrannical as our infant selves are, we are still beings of light and beauty, ever evolving:)
Pretty flowers in nature and nice shot.
thank you:)
Thanks for continuing to make Hive awesome.