Today I'm late, how can I?
I have prepared from last year
The time span is really not merciful to me, nor to you
I realize something has gone beyond
It does not matter because I'm still in the same arena
They say you've been laid off
Who has done this all
Stinging like the sun in the desert
He knows what he has done
Lust has accelerated the spin of the earth
Hurt is his new profession
With pride and a straight face
Did you see what you have done?
They are orphans
Yes, I know
I'm in charge of the world not to stop
Do not blame me, this is the rule and time command
I lost my words
Nothing I can continue
This is the reason why I was terminated
The original poem is in Indonesian by @pupu93
Hari ini aku kembali terlambat, bagaimana bisa?
Ini sudah dipersiapkan setahun yang lalu
Putaran waktu benar-benar tidak berbelas kasih padaku,tidak juga padamu
Aku menyadari sesuatu telah melampaui
Tidak masalah karena aku masih dalam gelanggang yang sama
Mereka mengatakan anda sudah diberhentikan
Siapa yang telah melakukan ini semua
Tega bagai terik matahari padang pasir
Dia tahu yang telah dilakaukannya
Hawa nafsu telah mempercepat putaran bumi
Menzalimi adalah profesi barunya
Dengan bangga di lakukan
Lihatlah apa yang sudah kamu perbuat
Mereka adalah anak yatim
Ya, aku tahu
Aku menjalankan tugas agar dunia tidak berbenti
Jangan memyalahkan aku, ini sudah aturan dan perintah waktu
Aku terdiam
Tidak ada yang bisa kulanjutkan
Ternyata inilah alasan kenapa aku diberhentikan
Sigli, 08 Mei 2018
the translator only translates poetry words, but can't translate the soul of poetry
if you like poetry, please support to develop poetry to the public with the scope of the world
I will appreciate all your support being useful in developing poetry and community for the better
give your recommendation to help me develop poetry
Here I have been joined several communities for the following poetry classes
KSI ( Komunitas Steemit Indonesia ) Poetry on Discord
NSC ( Nanggroe Steemit Community ) on Discord
SevenFingers on Discord
Steemit Poets United on Discord
SteemShools Poetry Class on Discord
ARTzONE Poetry on Discord
If you do not stop, your account will be rendered invisible on Steemit. Bad Steemian! Bad!@gaman you're on the @abusereports naughty list!