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RE: Ideologues, Activists and the Theater of the Absurd + "The" ... a poem

in #poetry6 years ago


Odd, isn't it? :-) High IQ, a good guy and an excellent content creator/supporter. I'm actually going to try to talk him into becoming a Witness. I'd write a damnably fine poem for the occasion.@oddbot is a real person, not a bot.

I'm also toying with the idea of deleting all my Witness votes and starting all over again from zero. This time, when I voted for a Witness, I'd publish an extremely detailed post explaining precisely why I voted for that person/group.

On each such post, I'd include the list of my existing Witnesses with a hyperlink back to the explanation for having chosen them. And hence, an ever-expanding QuillFire Witness List.

We've got to start getting serious about the Witnesses. The Top 20 have tremendous power to effect how the blockchain operates ... or doesn't. It isn't sufficient that they're "nice guys" or that they "created a snazzy new front end" or that they're "involved with the community."

  1. I want to see business acumen. I want to see a commitment to Steemit, not just STEEM (and SMT's). I want to see that they understand people, not just code ... it is, after all, a "social media platform."

  2. I want to see communication skills, both an ability to articulate complex ideas, and a willingness to do so.

  3. I want to see some gray hair. As a 50-year-old who has lived, traveled to, or worked in 57 countries, been wounded three times in combat and started/managed several businesses, I hope I can be forgiven for not being convinced that 20- and 30-somethings "have seen it all." Wisdom is more about "knowing what not to do," as evidenced by scars, than it is about "knowing what to do," as conceived by conjecture.

  4. Most importantly, I want to see support for Steemit's Central Premise, that: Content Shall Be Compensated Commensurate With Its Quality. Besides strong support for quality content creators, this also means strong support for manual curators, as they are as important to the process as are quality content providers.

  5. As all this will require push-back from time to time, I also want to see someone with a bit of steel in their spine.

  6. And ... it wouldn't hurt if they loved Billy Joel and the Eagles.
