Image by Kira auf der Heide on Unsplash
Coffee Mug Silence
A powerful sound, almost deafening.
You sit with your coffee mug pressed against your face,
As if almost hiding, full with disgrace.
No words other than the radio,
Is this really how it's going to go.
Confusion fills the air, along with tension
Battling against each other to claim victory,
I am sure this is just you, how is it me.
A powerful sound, almost deafening.
I sit with my coffee mug swallowing all words, it's just the radio, the wind and the birds.
Yet the silence breaks it all.
Coffee cups finished with, and up goes that wall.
Until next time!
Lauren xxx

Animation by @thepeakstudio
I totally value silence gosh it’s the currency of creativity I can’t do my best work unless it’s quiet so I like to work at night
I completely agree! I can't manage with background noise, totally takes away my focus and then I get the grumps, haha! Thanks for stopping by! :)
LOL I get the grumps too lucky I have my headphones to drown out some of the noise I find music with no lyrics helps, not a replacement for quiet but a good alternative when needed and you still gotta be productive
Haha! Ooh yes, classics like this one... Well, until it distracts you anyway with all the head bopping that's bound to happen 😂
ooooh this was my jam back in the day oh and this one,
Yeah that's also a good one! I also like 'Silence', funny considering this post lol. Another one I could just have on repeat haha 👌