40 % Off - Poem About The Human Costs of Consumerism

in #poetry16 hours ago



One of my main passions in life is creative writing.

Short stories, poetry, novel writing, TV series pitches, comic books, graphic novels and script writing all fall under the category of what I write. |A small percentage of this ends up on Hive, and often the more controversial writing (such as this poem) which doesn't have a market in the mainstream, or is out and out guaranteed to be censored.

This is why I write under a moniker of raj808 on Hive.

I spent some time this morning re-editing plus adding a new video and music to a spoken word performance of my poem, forty percent off.

Forty Percent Off explores disruptive themes highlighting the hidden costs of consumerism, the exploitation of third-world countries by the 'Corporate West' and the apathy of society toward these injustices.

This poem is a wake-up call, expressing my anger specifically with how the fashion industry capitalizes on poverty and exploits people. But this anger could be equally levelled on financial sector (who do not care what the money they loan out is used for) or the Arms Trade (who are simply merchants of death.)

If you would like to read further blogs that quantify some of what I have stated above, check out these two pieces I wrote, which are both past payout... no vote begging here!

I hope you enjoyed the poetry performance.

Thanks for reading/listening 🙂🌿

All pictures, video and media used in this content are creative commons license from either pixabay.com, pixels.com, unsplash.com or YouTube creative commons music, please see the links below to verify.

Meizong - Salt Mines (Creative Commons Music)

https://videos.pexels.com/videos/person-tying-his-shoes-857973 https://www.pexels.com/video/billboards-of-different-fashion-brands-1716043/ https://videos.pexels.com/videos/little-girl-playing-857837 https://videos.pexels.com/videos/woman-picking-out-clothes-853800 https://videos.pexels.com/videos/video-of-women-modelling-855563 https://videos.pexels.com/videos/city-at-night-timealpse-video-852379 https://videos.pexels.com/videos/aerial-shot-of-an-abandoned-factory-854412 https://videos.pexels.com/videos/black-and-white-video-of-people-853889 https://videos.pexels.com/videos/black-and-white-footage-of-train-station-853874 https://videos.pexels.com/videos/close-up-view-of-a-dollar-using-a-magnifying-glass-1797022

https://unsplash.com/photos/k7lWhRlO53U https://pixabay.com/en/poor-child-labor-boy-little-3277840/ https://pixabay.com/en/child-sad-cry-help-hand-scared-1307653/ https://pixabay.com/en/letter-child-africa-poverty-2473799/ https://pixabay.com/en/bombed-building-destruction-war-932108/ https://pixabay.com/en/smoke-smoking-chimney-fireplace-258786/

If you have enjoyed this post and want to read more of my writing, check out my homepage @raj808.



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