Polystyrene Trays - An Ocean Poem

in #poetry2 days ago

Crimson reef dragon skin,
soul bubbles beneath the surface.
Cave mouth draws me in,
wilting proboscis coral wave
petals of skin, pellucid filigrees
paint lucid scenes,
minerals melt in pastel sheen.

Bright current sweeps gusting
leaves of silver light,
scaled shoals of Jack's knife
and bright eyed Parrotfish peck.
In wish-laden leavened beryl mist,
esse infused in ocean’s choir;
movement in an empty space.


In the soft flow,
life a glow
in symphony.

Before my gaze,
drift a pair
of polystyrene trays.


The issue raised in this poem The Ocean's Choir is one that is close to my heart.

Ocean conservation is an area of environmental concern which is too often overlooked by society.
After all, out of sight out of mind!

But the problem of plastic ocean waste is one of monumental size and scope. I can't remember the last time I went diving and didn't return from my dive with a BCD pocket full of plastic scraps/straws/bags. It enrages and saddens me in equal measure.

I guess this poem is my attempt to spread the word and give people an impression of what it is like to be scuba diving among such perfect examples of nature's wonder, only to have it all ruined by man's garbage. Beyond how much this ruins my dive, it is this plastic which chokes turtles to death, poisons whales and drowns hundreds of thousands of seabirds every year.

Thanks for reading 🙂 🌿

The pictures used in this post are creative commons licence. Please follow link 1 link 2 & link 3 to credit. Thanks for checking out my blog post and poem.


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While I don't scuba dive, you've taken me right there nicely. Unfortunately, I know this horror!

This type of waste could have come from anywhere, anyone. Hospitals used to dump medical wastes into the ocean! We all must do whatever we can to use less plastic. For me, growing my own food has helped enormously.