Spring Born of blossom (Original Spoken Word Poetry)

in #poetry17 hours ago

magnolia-trees-g17270cdca_1920.jpgTitle picture: Image by Jill Wellington from Pixabay.


As the I visited one of my local parks the other day, I was reminded that although the blossom hasn't fallen yet, Spring has most definitely sprung. Even here 'Up North' (in the UK) where it's be decidedly grim most of the time, winter is coming yada yada yada 😂 But in all seriousness it is a well known fact that George R R Martin took a great amount of inspiration from the Wars of the Roses and his medieval history studies.

When Ned stark says 'Winter is coming' he could be talking about the north of England. Yet, we're having a decidedly early Spring this year, and us Northerners are relishing the early daffodil blooms 🤣

Anyway, as I wandered calderstones park of which I've written extensively on Hive, check out the link above if you'd like to learn more about the park. This poem sprung to my mind as it engenders that feeling of Spring which is in the air... which I'm fully enjoying before we end up back with the rain-soaked climate we're so used to banging on about night and day.

Enough ranting freewriting from me for now, I'll let the poetry speak for itself - I do urge you to listen to the SoundCloud version I've shared while reading the text, as it gives a good impression of what I'm trying to do with the inline rhymes and other poetic devices.

Spring Born of blossom

Blossom frames the parasol.
A lately born form of colour,
redirecting chlorophyll,
filling petals with crystalline will.

Warm wind, pregnant with moist
dew-spent scent envelops me.
Like an explosion of leaves,
a coat of new growth, on a tree.

I sicken for a moment in the headiness
of the blossoms truculent growth.
Tumescent explosion of pollen swollen
stamen, graven in welts of flower laden green.

I dream this opulent sheen
of days ending in the ever emending
renewing of spring's expanding
big bang. Clawing for understanding,
seeking more than self,
and self-branding human
projected perception
of this moment.

Wallowing in the blossoms'
sight - petulant petal-sprung
eloquent knowing through
silent simple growing.

I listen, seeking answers
in evening’s expanding thrum.


Thanks for reading 🙂🌿

The various media used in the poetry reading are all from CC licence sources, links to credit:

Music: Cretayu by Elayun

If you have enjoyed this poetry post, please check out my homepage @raj808 for similar content.


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