I have always been fascinated with poetry and declamation pieces. As a child, I was already trained to deliver and recite poems and declamations for competitions.
I was already in High School when I realized I also love to write poems and short stories. But my preference is always on poetry. I never published nor share my poems to anyone. It's like my little world - my comfort zone where I get to express my thoughts through poetry.
Until I met someone who showed genuine interest in my work. I wrote 2 poems for him. He inspired me to write more. When I was introduced to Steemit, I never thought at first that this could be a great platform for my poems.
I tried to write one and it felt addictive. I wrote again. And now I have a little collection of my Steemit-written poems.
You may visit my poems and I hope it will encourage aspiring poets like me to openly share their masterpieces.
Here's my list:
- Hiding Behind the Clouds This is to encourage those who have lost inspiration.
- Elephant
- The Wind This is a metaphorical representation of a friend.
- D-R-E-A-M This is another metaphor. A metaphorical representation of personal goals and aspirations. It is to encourage everyone to pursue it.
- The Untitled It's titled 'The Untitled' because I couldn't think of a title for it at that time. It was an entry for a freewrite on the prompt: Canal. It's about a man who left to pursue his dreams and returned to find his love pregnant and about to give birth of a child that isn't his.
- Fumigate This poem is all about the cramming of activities we experience after we procrastinate.
- Sunburn This is similar to Fumigate's theme. But this contains the regret and result of procrastination. This contains 3 Haikus as my first poetry entry for the freewrite organized by @mariannewest. You can check the freewrite community and join in the fun of writing your heart out.
I believe I have found my niche in Steemit! I hope everyone of us finds our own niche, too.
More poems coming up! Cheers!