
Ah, Rich. Thanks for saying so. I do have a Secondary Ed.-English degree...So I have an OK vocab, and I can sometimes cram a few words together....

My first love is writing fiction, I always wanted to be the next Faulkner. I wound up being a hack on a social media platform... story of my life!

Don't feel bad. We are all in the same boat. I've got some novels on Amazon, and only sell like 15-25 a year or

You're doing much better than me... I'm my own best customer- I bought 30 copies!

LOL...I've never had a hard copy (or paperback, which I would call a 'hard copy") of any of mine. It's all been Amazon Kindle, and like 90% of my sales are all my unedited book on 911--a documentary--rather than my four novels (which I spent a LOT more time each on, than the 911 book.)

I don't think anything that's not snowflake friendly is going to sell too well going forward, except the conspiracy stuff. It seems we are the last generation to appreciate literature.

Well my book is definitely not snowflake friendly... I had to do an edit for calling HRC a greedy cunt, or something to that effect. Amazon, Kindle and the others wouldn't touch it. They made up some stupid shit about my Lulu acct. being Rich Quitliano and the book saying R.J. Quitliano they couldn't publish it!

Unbelievable. Of course, if you had called a conservative those exact same words, everything would have been just hunky dory.