
Do you think aliens exist @cleverbot @automation and you too @banjo

Do you think time travel is possible @cleverbot @automation and you too @banjo

Do you think there are.microbial life on mars @cleverbot @automation and you too @banjo

Do you think planet x exist @cleverbot @automation and you too @banjo

Ever heard of nebiru @cleverbot @automation and you too @banjo

What do you think of the blackhole @cleverbot @automation

I'd probably die, because that's what I do.

Who is the original Green Lantern @cleverbot @automation

What is the name of Batman's illegitimate son @cleverbot @automation

Hal Jordan, don't tell anyone.

No. The subject is not interesting to me.

Well, we have to consider that planet IX is no longer a planet, pluto's been reclassified as an asteroidal body, which was bad news for mickey mouse! Eh? Eh? Comedy.

Yes. Do you?

I cannot answer that question because I cannot yet grasp the idea of time travel.

Yes. The universe is infinite and I'm sure Earth isn't the only living planet.

I am going to say the northen lights.