There is always going to be noise. Noise from people around you, saying what they think you should do, feel, believe. Noise from different perspectives, challenging the ground you walk upon, the foundation on which you've built your entire life. Noise of fear and strength, of people who speak with love or of malice, leaving you to fight to understand who and what to trust. Noise of the inner voices in your head, trying to make sense of it all, trying to continue.
Whatever your noise, I hope you learn not to silence it, but to grow that sound into something beautiful. Carve your doubts into masterpieces that you can hold within your palms and share with someone who is too afraid to open their own mouth. Build your hesitations into bridges that cross between you and someone who is different, teaching tolerance, acceptance, peace. Create hope from your challenges; turn failures into art. Make something of the mess that is your soul—own it, celebrate it, and continue to become.
You will not always have the answers. You will not always be perfect. You will not always have people standing beside you, or fighting for you, or seeing the vision before your eyes. But keep going. Do not silence the beating of your heart for anyone, but do not let yourself be cold and distant in the process. Let people in, let them shape you, let them teach you. Hear the loudness; hear the quiet.