30 Poems in 30 Days #15 - Can You Do Me A Favor?

in #poetry8 years ago

Image courtesy of CrazyGirL44 DeviantArt

Can You Do Me A Favor?

Don’t tell anyone she said
Whispered into the howling winds
I sat quietly
Waiting for the night’s retort
None came

We wept together silently
Shadows dancing and intertwining
Cast like marionettes on the cold concrete
The strangest comfort
Found in a conversation with a familiar stranger

Ice settled into our hearts
The warmest chill
Pierced the silence
Of that infinite moment
That infinite understanding

Minutes bled seamlessly
Into hours of the universe
Lost in the infinite expanse
Of emotions and thoughts
Traveling through the voids in our hearts

In that moment
We found a haunting peace
That stayed with us forever
Carrying us through the darkness
Into the dawn that we hoped lay ahead

The dawn that never came
A sunrise that betrayed us
I realize now as I stand
Upon the cliff
Of your final breath

There will be no respite
From those promises we’ve made
There will be no birds singing
As bright rays cascade into our hearts
There will be only shadows

Like marionettes
Cast upon the cold concrete

By an unforgiving twilight


Reading this aloud this sounds like it's prose more than strict poetry. Anyway, I find it captivating.

Followed you. :)

Thanks! And yeah, I do find that my poetry goes more over into prose sometimes.

Strong emotional poetry. I didn't get any sense of it being creepy or torture porn. I liked your use of words and imagery. I think you have succeeded in producing a great piece of art.

In my opinion, this torture porn art is really creepy and the fact that it looks almost like a child, that's sick! With the global pedophile, child trafficking, torture going on, this is just not cool and very disturbing! I know it's your art and your free to do it but you should really look to another inspiration . Please look into the real, non art, going on... one example #PizzaGate. No more torture porn please, keep Steemit.com family friendly! Praying for you. May Jah bless you!

Torture porn art? This is so far away from any of the things you're describing. Let's start by making it clear that it's not my image, and is indicated in the post. It's additionally not a real girl, but it is an emotion evoking image, particularly when combined with the content of the poem, which I'm wondering if you bothered to read. I get that this may have been an emotional image for you, but that's the point of poetry and strong images like this one. I appreciate your feelings, but maybe try to think about your reaction to the art rather than casting a judgment about the image itself.

Also, I'm sorry, but this isn't necessarily a place for family friendly. You are welcome to feel how you want about something, just as I am welcome to post it, family friendly or otherwise.

That's an interesting reaction to someone's art.