With the New Year approaching we thought it would be fun to give you guys a poetry landslide!

Some are old, some are newer, some have never even seen the blockchain! Time to clean the slate and start anew! <3

and fall between the cracks of my self-worth
Slipping through a crimson light
the mind ravels in silky threads
weaving a blanket of misunderstanding
lined with fabric made of dread
It shelters me from the chill
of uncomfortable truth
And self-realizations
under I feel like I may smother
Until I find myself starved
A craving for a different sensation
and I allow myself to stand
In the chill of uncertainty
religious servitude
to gods that never answer prayers
wars that rage for eons
in the name of your own belief
crucifying your fellow man
and your own god by extent
Love thy neighbor
lost in the passing of the offering plate
tithe and give up for Lent
your freedoms
in the name of a dusty book
that sits in hotel drawers
talking in tongues
that isn't the holy spirit
it is your free will's death rattle
slivers of judgment
slicing deep to the meat of men
dissecting the intentions
All but your own
Go forth with the love of god
and stone your mother
for your life outside of wedlock
cast gazes down your nose
at all those
that do not worship like you do.
My skin is covered in scars
from years I could never love myself
I sliced along where words
cut into my soul
Because the physical pain
was at least one I controlled
I look back on that person
The one I used to be
when nights are long and the light
hits mangled skin
I cover them in shame
from my own prying eyes
Thinking of the looks on a lover's face
their eyebrows knit in thought
lips faltering and pulling away
asking where they're from
A million false stories
heroics or clumsy falls
never able to admit that I used to
dig the pain out
of my flesh
with fire and pointed shards
Water river ocean tides
Owls nocturnal aware awake wisdom moon/woman wise all-seeing Mowl the moon goddess
fat and far removed
Underworld vessel is the chalice is the life bringer Women are the fount of life goddess Isis and twin rivers
gazing on her blue kingdom
awash with her reflection
All seeing and pivotal
Many earthly incarnations
familiars to represent her chalice
Feline and lithe
slinking through the underworld
guarding gates
Round and bursting with life
birthing light
That dances like a flame
swaying the tides
and holding us in her arms
winding slowly
A vigilant nocturnal Mother
in soft hues
of power, she gathers in day
Feeling your ripples over my surface
Water tension
keeping my chalice full
how you churn my tides
and make me flow
eroding all that stands in the way
of your shore
filling my depths to overflowing
crashing against the banks
waves that break the surface
delivering shells to your sands
tiny trinkets
your fingers making little whirlpools
where they dare to tread
pulling you into my riptide
and drowning you in my love.
fragments of fears
and misunderstanding
flying like arrows
from your castle walls
won't you ever know
when sorry isn't enough
standing next to you
is all I have
sometimes those moments are silent
when there are no words
to soothe your aches
that fall in the right order
A whispered "I know"
a vocal kiss
nothing but sincere
while your world burns
and I stand in the flames
as your inferno
licks at my arms
and chest
A witch burned at the stake
for the sins of others
cyclones of doubt
whipping you
into frenzy
consuming me whole
And I am
giving you all that I have
My love, I am a pauper
compared to your wealth
and it is at your feet
a small basket
of sleepless nights
sprinkled with tarnished coins of effort
dirty schillings
with solid cores
but they still spend
even if they leave
grit and soot of distaste
on your fingers
meager in comparison
to the plentifulness
of your kingdom
I stand before you offering
all I have from the harvest
save to feed myself
pleading for mercy
promises that next year, I will grow
and crops will be bountiful.
Can't call it rain when your up is my down.
When we call forth the vibration.
I turn your images...
The Right...
You want to reach for the Moon?
Sit at your loom Little man.
Get your hand.
Take the blade.
Bring out your dark blood for me.
I Hunger.
You really want a shackle on your ankle?
Why should I wrap myself around you?
When my fangs are already in your Throat.
Bleeding you Dry. So empty.
You dare to challenge the Master?
Can't lift your head when down on knees.
Submit, submit.. Submit!!
Take my Power.
Drive it into the stake of your Soul.
Pierce yourself with me.
Invested. <3

Much love, @stitchybitch & @sammosk <3
enjoy the new year all the very best
Beautiful 👏🏽
Perineum (between Christmas and New Year)
winter's grasp deep sharp
bellies full slumbered arc
dark nights cold outside
hunkered down insulated
I have always lauded yourr writing !!
wow...it tastes like a vintage wine. This is a blend of masterpiece
Some writers have text. Some writers have context. These texts have context. I felt for a moment there that I was caught up in a wave of poetic perfection. It is not often that one comes across words that are so beautifully crafted. In fact, it felt like an honor reading them. To these words I say, wow, wow and wow again. And again I say wow for the wounds you sought to excavate. For the wounds you excavated in presenting these divine words. I wait impatiently for the next post.
Beautiful poetry We can share our thoughts through poetry.
Waaaauuu the beauty of your poetry
you're poems are awesome! Wish mine too hehehe