Challenge results on A.I. vs. Human (Poetry Game: Day #6)

in #poetry8 years ago

Last time we started a new challenge where You, the reader, had to guess whether the poem was written by an A.I. or Human.
The results weren't great, but at least there was something!

Human, it was written by Fernando Charry Lara, a poem named OBLIVION.Our only winner for The Day #5 is - @iggyg85, he guessed correctly that the poem was written by -

Let's jump right into our next poem!
Remember, It's at your own best interests not to google the poem lyrics to find out whether it's an A.I. or a Human, this is all just for fun!

Poem of Day #6

"Come with me to the saxophone of books
the monastic ness of the curtain, the power of the water!

Candles of a nocturnal ship
boundless as a cleansed cat
a pure fog of leaves,
a starry evening star day
all keys become books,

This friendly pasture and kissing warmth of your body treads me
with it's careful paths like leg and curves
and deep brown moons like mouth and warmth,
outside the comfortable vicinity of friendly window
from her hips and her leg perch
warmth of the earth!

Inside the marine breath
of the sky."

Post in the comment section whether You think the poem is written by an A.I. or a Human!
The answer whether it was an A.I. or a Human, along with this day's winners will be announced in Day #7

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