We were placed upon a beach with sand white and fair
With clear turquoise water that sparked light to share
The sky a moonlight dreamcape, stars shining ever bright
And golden trees and wind that blows along with little might
She was with me from when this eternal universe began
And for many moments, slowly we walked and we swam
The white sand beneath us and galaxy above our heads
Our fire before the water and beside that our wintry beds
For many a time the Gods watched us in hope and in thought
Where we shared and whispered gently of what we had sought
Though this love was pure, thoughtless, innocent and kind
There lay quiet demons who fought only to darken our minds
And from this beautiful hope came twists, turnings, and fears
Leaving and stealing her away from my damp eyes and tears
The endless waves now became empty, lifeless, and cold
Oh where she had gone, the elegant beach now only untold
But love evermore is neither gripped nor is it bound
And thus I traversed so that hope may be somehow found
The light as it's seen always guiding closely in man
Yet still dark in me as I hid and I ran
Those changes of all disappeared in their anguish and lust
And silently our beach had become grey blackish rust
I tried and I tried to speak with something of meaning
But I cried to my own from the fear of love's wicked cheating
Years later, I saw her again from upon a distance and a goodbye
The angel now gone and from her only a painful long sigh
The final eternity that had not been of just and of choice
Had arrived to the place which I knew I could not hoist
Farewell my sweet you have been kind to my sinning way
The beach of white and of blue is gone now, the trees do not sway
The galaxy and stars are above us no more
I am sorry I lost you with not but a roar
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