Still smiling but this brain, let me tell you
it blisters and that’s okay except
squinting at this screen is not helping
pressure is building and, truth is,
I may disappear
behind sunglasses, wide scarf, coat
if the sun is out chances of success
magnificently reduce the likelihood
of focal lockdown, stable walking
and not silently screaming
at every sound.
Never seen such beautiful description of migraine!
I had it 2 days ago, a severe one! So I can understand every bit of it :)
Aww migraines are the worst!!! : ( Amazing that pain can produce such poetic words though. I don't know if you've heard of cefaly or not, it's like a tense unit for migraines, I just got one for mine and did a post about it. You can check it out or just go to the cefaly website. It's pricey but I'm hopeful it's gonna help, gotta have some hope lol. Hope you get to feeling better!
Story of my life, I tend to wear earplugs, I cover my eyes and then rest with an ice pack, sometimes the Maxalt works but others it doesn't.
I am new on this platform but i can say it is pretty good to meet great mighty poets like you.....
Nice post though. You have my upvote and re-steem
It must be terrible to feel like your skull boils between the fangs of despair
I once read that Picasso painted like this because of his migraines
Its such an awesome description. I also love the picture.
Wish your wellness @shawnamawna. May God save us all from this worst Migraine.
If you want to prevent migraine headaches next time, here are a few things you can do:
Avoid bright lights and loud noises. These over-stimulate your nervous system, increasing the risk that a migraine headache will set in.
Watch what you eat. After each a migraine headache, try to figure out what set it off. Think about what you ate, and determine if there are any of the food mentioned above triggers to blame.
"Be regular with your sleep and eating habits". A regular sleep schedule canhelp to reduce fatigue, and eating regularly may prevent migraine headaches.
"Limit stressors": Easier said than done, right? Stress is one of the worst migraine triggers and one we can't always avoid. Try to limit stress as much as possible. If that means changing your job or altering the way you handle home life, so be it. Your health matters, and reducing stress is a key to preventing migraines!
Follow this advice, and you can drastically reduce your risk of migraine headaches.
01 . You know you should be drinking more water but you don’t like the taste…try sparking flavored water, or try putting a gallon jug of water into the refrigerator and add your favorite fruits to flavor the water and make it tasty.
02 . Boil 2 cups of water and add 1 finely chopped ginger to it.
Simmer this mix for 5 minutes.
Take it off the heat, strain and mix ginger juice and sparkling water in a 1:3 ratio.
Use a desired amount of raw honey, stevia or lemon juice to sweeten, add a few ice cubes and enjoy.
Thanks. Get well soon