Sometimes I wonder how I feel about you
Scared of these feelings because it's still new
I catch myself thinking of the best way to share
Hoping you'll return my confession showing you care
And then I catch myself again,
Dragging my thoughts back to reality,
I am back at square one
Does this just happen to me?
Poems are so stupid
I swear I would never do this
But this is YOU
And you aren't like anyone I have met
How much longer do I have to write
Can't I tell you yet?
When I come back from my thoughts
I feel more secure
But then I sleep and dreams of you occur
The dreams I have of you are so vivid and clear
I feel TRUE happiness inside and that there is nothing to fear
People say dreams have underlying meanings and not to ignore them
I say we both know what they mean and now I want you to hear
Hear what I am about to say to you
Feel it with my body and see it in my face
Hear it in my words and tone when we converse
I love you!
I love you more than I ever thought I could
Be with me always and be loved like you should've.
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wow! excellent. Its more like i was the one out-pouring my inner feelings and thoughts. I love this poem.
Thank u very much
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Very nice poem, I enjoyed reading it.
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Lots of votes made possible due to the kindness of abh12345 and his Steemit Curation Leagues