Thank you so much for reading this. I really appreciate your comment. I write this because sometimes I feel like I want to cry, and I just can't. So, with these lines I'm letting go all the tears I keep inside.
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And that's a good thing. Writing, like crying, can also be therapeutic. Any writer will agree with that.
Keep doing it; keep exploring and I'm sure you'll find a voice that will be greater, more powerful than the sum of all your pains.
I'll agree with you. I'll keep writing. Thank you :)
I was pleased to discover that you are a fellow poet (Followed). BTW, @hlezama is the best literary critic on the blockchain. You are fortunate to have attracted his attention and commentary. He is a fellow Venezuelan who speaks impeccable English and, I suspect, impeccable Spanish.
Thanks again for the Poll Vote. It means a lot.