I hope to see you in discord!
And you can see how much fun it is! I was shy at first but for some reason my social anxiety goes away because it's online and these people are like family, true story 🙌 Many people on the P.A.L. network(discord server) have been easy to open up to. So yeah if you're not on there I highly recommend it. It's like therapy at times I swear! There's Always someone inspiring me around every corner. And the best part is they know how to have fun! I told my friend I've met there that since they've helped me overcome my dark days I will spend the rest of mine paying it forward by bringing light to others which is why I also joined Girlpowa, they kind of coincide for me. Only difference is one is Peace, Abundance and Liberty (PaL), and the other is Peace Abundance and Love (Girlpowa)💛 lol that's how I envision it anyways. Like my own universe of awesome. 👽🖖