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RE: Drown My Fear

in #poetry8 years ago

Oh my word...I'm dumbfounded! This is amazing @aineyann. 🙏🏽 That first paragraph captures it so well. The drain. The colors fading. The light dimmed.. and you try to uncover the spark again, but once that delusion, fear, gets triggered you just have to wait out the beast. Eventually it tires and goes back to rest until next time...

But you speak of overcoming this beast! Actually not of beating it, but more profoundly of letting it go... that's brilliant and apt as problems that continue, like anxiety, usually have a component of need or some unconscious benefit that keeps us clinging to them in some way. Let it go...

"My last fear will be of my own strength." ❤️❤️❤️❤️

👆🏼That's my favorite line. 🤗🙌🏽

You are a beautiful soul, inside and out, and you are rocking the hell out of that little dress. 😉😘 mmmwah


Thank you hun! I began this last night , and was meant to continue it into today but it kept writing itself so I just let it happen!... very true.. it was about the beast 'sleeping'..., as I find it very hard to let go.. so easy to go back there wishing you could do a permanent erasing!.. < this is why you are so empowering!You've slayed the beast xxx

I am so pleased you enjoyed it especially the last line,fears worst fear, hehe x😘

I hope you have a wonderful day loveliness... today would be a perfect day to unwind to that glorious play you will be moving to soon!
positive thoughts, always 🙌

Hey now!!!!
