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RE: Silent in Traffic - A Month of Daily Haiku (Day 3)

in #poetry5 months ago

but IMO they're missing the point of Buddhism if they are

I meant in general as a lot of religions seem to require distinctive clothing or other items.

I think of myself as fairly logical and faith doesn't mesh with that. People can live how they want, but shouldn't force their beliefs onto me. A lot of bad things have been done in the name of religion, but that can be down to politics and power dynamics as you say.

I'm not going out of my way to upset people over their beliefs, but I don't mind a debate now and then. I find that very few people I know are obviously religious, so it doesn't come up much.


I meant in general as a lot of religions seem to require distinctive clothing or other items.

As I understand it, the robes of monks were originally meant to function kinda like a uniform 😂

Monks all wearing single colour robes signifies them giving up all worldly possessions, and as an extension of that giving up the attachment to their egoic self. I don't really know as much about Islam or Christianity, but Buddhism at its core (on a purely intellectual level) is all about accepting and moving beyond the mental suffering that many people cause to themselves through attachment to their ego. And in doing this it is hoped that the reflection that a person puts out into the world (and often on the people around them) becomes less centered around their perception of self - the expectations they have for the world and other people based on their conditioning.

E.g. a parent who is very judgmental often drives their child to failure through there own need to push them in directions that might not suit their personality.

I think of myself as fairly logical and faith doesn't mesh with that. People can live how they want, but shouldn't force their beliefs onto me. A lot of bad things have been done in the name of religion, but that can be down to politics and power dynamics as you say.

You've hit on the crux of the matter when one persons wisdom from millennia ago gets taken up by a 'tribe' and organized into a form of belief, that can then be held as 'sacrosanct' against other forms of belief. When ever I think about this it occurs to me how different the world might be if people in ancient times listened to e.g. Jesus and then went away and with the thought process that this was just a man with some good ideas and some not so good ones 😂 which could apply to many 'Prophets' from different faiths.

For sure there is a very organized religious hierarchy and systems that cause conflict in Buddhism as well as many other religions. For me though, meditating (and doing some other Buddhist inspired practices) is a form of self-directed therapy that is slowly helping to change my conditioning so that I can have a happier, more peaceful and fulfilling life.

This is all very subjective though, and I'm not trying to say anyone else should, or shouldn't, spend time meditating. It helps me 🙂