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RE: Wild Birds

in #poetry5 years ago

A (hedgerow) sparrow or dunnock came to follow me on my walk in between one yellow van and the next. They are rare garden birds nowadays, in this city. He took me back to my nine-year old self when I lived amongst many sparrows still. It was when I was at my lowest and could not figure out how to stand firm on the soles of my feet, barely adult, which were better at hovering a foot over the ground, that I returned to this nine-year old: and she saw from her Inbetween (coccoon?) place that it was good to land and plant herself down here in her head with her soul. The heart would open gradually. With a little help of a friend. Even if it would take half a century or more. Not a ballroom of a place, but with enough space to swing a cool cat (one that had volunteerd to such antics, naturally).


Yes, at nine, and all of that time!
I read or heard someplace that there are half the number of animals on the earth now when compared to how many there were when I was in kindergarten :( So half as many natural friends to help us with the opening. Rare indeed and happy for you to have one as companion as you make your way around the exhaust of yellow vans.