
Thanks Jay, I understand completely about the upvoting.
I'm doing that as well, so much I didn't understand
Before, and now RC's, MANA (wtf?) where did it
All come from? Once it stabilizes, I guess I'll
Begin to understand a bit more. Thanks

For stopping by @tattoodjay

yeah it will all settle and be back to normal soon I hope

"normal" might be stretching it a bit, but lets hope it will settle
Into some semblance of calm and rational behavior.

thats a good point

Experimental Upvote
That one set for about 10% ($o.oo) cost me .12 vote power

See, here is one BIG thing I don't understand.
Resource Credits
am I using MORE of them the MORE .gifs I post?
(seems to me they would be more resource consuming)
Do I use up MORE RC's if I post LARGE images (4k x 4k pixels for instance)
as opposed to using smaller ones?
(I've noticed a decided lag and shudder when I'm posting large images)

Where do we go for answers to these questions?

Thats cool good to know :)

I only posted questions, not information. I'm going to ask, and if I get answers, I'll share @tattoodjay

timcliff 11:31 AM
link (not the actual image) so it will not cost more RCs than regular text. @jerrytsuseer The RC cost is based on the data actually stored in the blockchain. For GIFs, images, etc. the only think that is stored in the blockchain is the