You think only of yourself, you have no capacity for caring for anyone
You are consumed by your conceit
You are the “Only” and the “Almighty” answerable only unto you.
You are without fault and your actions always just
Your beliefs, the only truth
You have no slight of character therefore; you find no need for remorse.
A man amongst men,
A hero to us all.
And as such, think yourself due homage
By those you find beneath himself,
But then, all are beneath the King
For that pedestal on which you have placed yourself
Is nothing more than a soaring tower
A mirrored creation of your vanity and ego
Which can’t be understood by us
We common People
You seek only your own pleasures
And demand them at a moment’s notice…
You’ve no need for such thought as to what is important is
That which is Given Freely
For everything about “You” is of high value
To You.
How lucky to have been where I was
How lucky I; to have stood in your presence
I shall always be reminded
As the seasons of my life pass on
To stop and take a moment
To listen in the wind
Blowing softly on a clear fair morning’
…… where I am sure to hear
To hear
Your voice a singin.. A singin’ in the wind……
Singing only to yourself of course…..
Come hail
Hail the King!
All Hail the King of Fools
nice post