Awww!!! I have no idea what your work entails, but if you can write ten minutes a day, longhand, in a spiral notebook, that's how John Grisham got his start. yeah, that Grisham. The best selling novelist. Please do it!!!
My work: CMO and partner in a startup (Utopian). Startups are for young energetic people. Not tired old women like me!!! I should be snuggling with my cat and writing porn.
Ooh, I need to hunt down that addition on Facebook! ;)
I've been thinking of you and wondering how your writing is coming along.
Esp. Mistress Morgan! Good to see your names again, @techslut and @poet!
I miss Morgan. I miss writing. I should start setting aside some time for her every week and writing. Work has eaten me alive.
Awww!!! I have no idea what your work entails, but if you can write ten minutes a day, longhand, in a spiral notebook, that's how John Grisham got his start. yeah, that Grisham. The best selling novelist. Please do it!!!
My work: CMO and partner in a startup (Utopian). Startups are for young energetic people. Not tired old women like me!!! I should be snuggling with my cat and writing porn.
Thank you, that's very kind :)
Added :)