The constant battle between what is true and what is not has left the human race in limbo. One of my fears is that we will we are doomed to repeat the mistakes of our ancestors and this will lead to our inevitable destruction. If we were the cause for our own demise, what would we say?
We were given gifts that could never be forgotten
Lessons that could not be unlearned
Lies disguised as truth
Truth perceived as lies
Hopes and Dreams that never lived
and fear and greed that never died
Closer to the end we grew
Blind as we were we never knew
We sang of love
of joy...of pride
Of the hopes and dreams that never lived
and the fear and greed that never died
We wrote our own story
Made our own essence
and hated our story
Despised our own presence
Thought only of ourselves unitl everyone was affected
Thought only seflish thoughts, till everyone was neglected
So we became sick, our own minds infected
and thought only to sheild ourselves until no one was protected
Time after time
However erroneous our perception
We never looked backed and asked
"Are we going in the right direction ?"
We were given gifts...and forgot them
We were given lessons...and never learned them
Lies believed to be truths
and truth perceived to be lies
Hopes and Dreams that never lived
and the fear and greed that never died

well written , i love it !!
Thank you, i appreciate it