Thoughts of you
I'm consumed
Lust or love
I'm confused
More of you
I'll decide
Then wait until
You arrive
I'll drown in my fantasies
Then wake to reality
That i can't have you
Or that i can
But i don't want to
I'll shoot my shot
But i threw the bullets away
I don't want to shoot
and keep missing
Ain't a sharp shooter
I'm lost
I've casted lots
Should i, should i not
Maybe, maybe not
In the clouds of assumption
I'll keep doing my calculations
And like a pin drop in the ocean
I'll be gone forever
Wrapped in cellophane
Awwww dear, love is beautiful only when the other person feels the same way. It hurts to put yourself over and over again out there and be rejected. But do not wrap yourself in a cellophane. Be a butterfly. Fly in the flower bed and suck sweet nectar. Life is beautiful and guess what there is always a better option. Cheers!
This kinda poem plus this weather ehnnn... As for me, I'll keep shooting sha.. Awesome poem, cute u
Sha don't shoot with 75k
Been in love alone is the worst feeling you can ever feel. It hurts when you make moves and the other person doesn't even notice.
I don't ever want to be wrapped in cellophane.
Nice poem @vheobong 🙌🙌🙌
Hehehehe, you don't have to be...
Lol.... Thanks
Nice one