Body Hawker..

in #poetry7 years ago

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There is a booming market,

Market for body marketing,

The seller takes her tools of trade,

And throws her body and beauty,

Into some delicate decoration,

With a handbag hannging on her left arm,

Akin to a career woman.


Into the busy street she dashes,

To set the trap of attraction,

The lass must make a catch,

Here and there, everywhere,

Lavishing her unholy lust,

On any passer by,

Who succumbs to the advert,

Not without some token bargain.


Soon beauty cries,

Wares become of low worth,

The ever pretty eye-catching face,

That smiled like bright petal,

Gets married to some sombre look,

Her regal estate no wonder,

Has become so desolate,

And the hawking ordeal,

An unworthy mess of pottage,

Now cold cake will never sell!!!

Thank you for reading.

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Good to bear your voice at the altruistic show. Good job and please add the advice in your subsequent post. Look forward to your next post

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