Fishing For A Dream (A Poem About Domestic Abuse)

in #poetry7 years ago

This is a short poetic story about a child whose mom has fallen out of love with the man on the moon. Let me know your thoughts in the comments below.

Fishing For A Dream

My mom fell out of love with the man on the moon
Discord with his signature tune. Me… Sent to my room
Tree house in space, my fort and the stars my platoon
Fighting tears, and the fears my hearts been marooned
Too Young… Too much and Too Soon.

Mother tries to deal with the lies and his persistent dark side
Phasing through phrases until he is fulfilled on the inside
His past craters are a greater indication of a rough life
Mother hides my eyes as we eclipse into a tough night
“Go play… It’ll be alright.”

Down the stairs, starring into nowhere… thinking of a scheme
Some plan, some way to quiet the screams.
We’re not longer a team, three-musketeers are no longer a thing…
My family is being torn at the seams…
And I’m sitting in a sea of stars, just fishing for a dream

Suddenly a nibble, a bite, then a pull on the line
I hooked a dream, magnificent and one of a kind
She said, “Let me go and your home will know peace again”
My heart smiled as I let my dream free to swim
Racing up the stairs, my parents lovingly welcomed me in.

Thank your for reading, I really appreciate it.


I'm thinking the moral of the story is not all dreams come true, but the most important do?

That is a good point. I didn't write with a specific moral in mind, but just a kind story. Thanks for the reply.

I overthought your poem, my personality lol.

How is it possible?? Totally amazing

Thank you for reading. I'm so glad you liked it.

Wow, what a wonderful story!

Thank you, I really appreciate it.

wow.. your story and rhyme is prime.
so i shall comment while i drink my red wine.
enjoy the poetry and eating my cheese and rind
read again, and again, rewind.