Poem / people aren't worth it

in #poetry7 years ago

People aren't worth it

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People aren't worth it
You stick your neck out to help
And end up having it removed at the shoulders
Or you give them a large tuna and only receive a glass of kelp

Sometimes I wish I had a harder soul
I'm too soft and squishy
When it comes to people I forgive too easily
And it leads them to think I'm weak and measly

I hate caring as much I can
Most of the time it isn't appreciated
My action are overlooked
I do too much for too many
And in return do I get any?

Well no, and I don't expect it
I do what I must to be a good person
But I wish that it would be noted
Because really my mental state's starting to worsen

People really aren't worth it
But through it all I know they're not perfect
I'll keep doing my best
And in the end, easily I'll rest

Note: If there are any spelling errors or things you disagree with, I would appreciate it if you let me know :)

By Ethan

Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed! If you did and want to hear more you can follow me here (^~^) <(^~^<)


I think most people start out as op. From a marketing perspective, what we are really doing is trying to convince people. Compare a product that has to convince vs a product that sells itself (for whatever reason, not necessarily because it’s better). The product that sells itself is better, right? Once the product has to convince people, it has lost the customer. It sounds desperate. “Please accept my ideas! They’re so true, believe me!”

I’m now at a place where I drop the idea, and that’s it. Take it or leave it. It shows convinction, is less draining, and relationships remain intact. Gradually, your life will improve, and those that didn’t believe you will look at you and ask “wow, what did you do? You look great!” Then you simply smile and how are you?

Nicely written, I can totally relate, having often felt "too soft and squishy" myself :/ Following :)

I'm new here and looking for good ways to get involved in the poetry community on this site. Do you have any tips? Contests or curators, for instance?

here are some poems of mine:





The best tip I can give you is... Consistency is key, Stay active and involved, but don't vote beg... If you come to me with a link I'll give you an upvote. It's only worth 3 dollars but it's three dollars more :D

ok wait... not sure if I understand: what I did in my comment, is that considered vote begging?

Oh wow just saw the upvotes, thank you!!! :)

...and the tips. My goal for consistency is to post a new poem at least 4 times a week.

I'm also reading a lot of the poetry on here, there's a lot of good stuff !

In a sense yes, but it is not direct and can't be seen as begging... It's more like asking someone to check your work and give their opinion, a lot of people prefer this method and 7/10 times they will actually go and read it. Comments like this are fine, but don't let it sound desperate ;D

thank you for your kind response, that clears it up :)

in an attempt to build community in the poetry section of Steemit, which needs two more lines in order to reach its goal (if reached, I will make and post a video of an overly dramatic reading in costume, with attributions to all contributors). Curation ends in 23 hours, if you feel moved to contribute a couple of lines to it. It's gotten pretty silly at this point, but it's fun :)Hey @xxsenpaixsamaxx! I've started an exquisite corpse poem https://steemit.com/poetry/@bennettitalia/steemit-collaborative-poetry-experiment

some time i wish i harder soul
When it comes to people i forgive too easily
i am to soft and squishy and it leads them to think i am weak and measly

This is a true story of reality...
Subarashi senpai (Y)

Despite the fact that people are basically greedy, self-serving and inconsiderate; they are still people and worthy of respect. No good deed goes unrewarded, we just sometimes don’t recognize what it is. Keep doing good!

Beautiful Poetry @xxsenpaixsamaxx This depicts the experience a few months ago

The good we do is always appreciated in one way or another.. Just because we are disappointed my a persons attitude shouldn't hinder us from doing good... It used be genuinely and not to be noticed. If we do good to get noticed.. That's when regrets and disappointment shoves in

As I say I don't do it for recognition, by that I mean public recognition but when a person takes me for granted and uses my generosity that's when I wished they would notice exactly how much I do for them...

@xxsenpaixsamaxx we are dependent on idiosyncrasy.

Man, by his nature is his own misery. We don't find in the other the rejoicing of the company without there being a "why" that compensates it. Weak, measly? I'm sorry, my friend, but I don't agree. There is no greater strength than to accept your own pettiness.

As long as there is poetry, as long as there are people who do the wonderful work that you do, we can have hope in humanity.

My best wishes for you.

Thank you, this really uplifted me :)

Brilliant! Thank you

Lovely poem. I think we can all relate to this feeling of being underappreciated at some points in our lives. Your writing reminds me of a song I really love, "Spaceship" by Kesha. Check it out, let me know what you think.

This is good keep it up post everyday of the year ill be checking to see how you progress over the year. Cheers

’Well no, and I don't expect it
I do what I must to be a good person
But I wish that it would be noted
Because really my mental state's starting to worsen.’

Just wow... I love this stanza.

This whole poem really resonates with me. We give too much and that which we give just simply gets looked over by everyone. It’s always the kind and the generous that get hurt the most. Thank you for this poem!

Very true, I appreciate the support :)

So true. You do good things but those are easily overlooked and forgotten. And if you do something that's not acceptable for them even once, tendencies are, you'll not anymore be forgiven, and only that single mistake will be forever noted. Sometimes reality really sucks, people sometimes too are doing too much, without even considering the feeling of another. But it's okay, you did the right thinh and it's all that matters. :)) It's okay, everything will pass by, and everything will be alright. ^^~
Great post, Ethan. I can somehow relate to it well. ^^~ desu.

WOW! you make fabulous poetry...HATTS OFF

I enjoyed it a lot as I can relate to it, it was a pleasure to read.
Maybe you can give me some advice on my writing?
I posted my first poem ever.......

really cool!

realmente es así como lo dices, hay de todo tipo de persona en esta vida me agrado leer algo que se acerca a mis pensamientos

It's a balance that I am learning. Being too caring sometimes.

Nobody is worth it!! Nobody gives two craps about me or what I do. I'm just a pebble in the beach!!!!