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RE: A charlatan made bare

in #poetry5 years ago

In the poem, I feel that the hands symbolize empowerment, connection between the times and the life. The source of wisdom was always reserved for a few and kept on jealously guarded writing rolls so that the majority did not have access to true knowledge and people were easy prey to puppeteers who assembled the world's knowledge according to their interests.

But, the hand that gave them power, can also take it away. Ancient wisdom seeks to be decoded, although in all stages of humanity there have been false prophets, wolves disguised as lambs willing to deceive in order to maintain the status quo.

That is why it is so important to know how to search for the truth in the undergrowth. Not everything that is said is true, we must know how to seek balance and never settle for the established because the illusion fades by paying attention and it becomes clear that it is time to get out of the fist of a few and force them to open their palms so that we see that there is nothing.

behind a magmic rictus—
vicissitude of alms.

The illusion maintains a trick balance, according to which few have much and many have little. And, in the end, everything is reduced to the material, to economic power above all else, to the riches that move the interest to have, rather than to grow, flourish and bear fruit to share. Mr. Money is the charlatan, the conjuror who deceives humanity into believing that "you are worth so much, if have so much", by denying the spiritual gifts, our essence that disempowers the false god.