Life will thrash you, life will thump you down.
However, regardless of what happens , consistently recall to simply remain strong.
I may get injured, however one thing you will never observe all over is a scowl.
Regardless of the conditions throughout my life, I generally buckle down all yearlong.
Diligent work and devotion will get you far, that is the thing that I accept
I have worked to even think about getting where I am today
That is the reason I could never simply fail and leave
I resemble an obsole Greek figure, moulded out of mud.
I can't guarantee all the greatness; I have likewise been exceptionally honored
One thing is without a doubt, I generally perservere, I never surrender.
Being number one is all I need, never second best.
At the point when people inquire as to whether I can accomplish my goal, I generally state: "that is correct".
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