Forget you

in #poetry7 years ago



Want to forget you
Someone who can only play feelings
Until the pain felt years of being in the chest
As if there is no medicine
As if there is no bidder.

Looks like you told me to stay away from you
Hate the name that once filled my prayer of prostration
Hate the face that I once caressed with my fingers
Hates the body that once held me firmly.

Should I hate and forget it?
Can I lose this in my memory?
Can I close my eyes without seeing his face?
God help me, I really want to get rid of him in my memory.

I want to forget it like he wants to forget me
I want to stop loving him like he stopped to love me
Am I wrong if I want to continue my life
Without her shadow without memory of her.

Even though it is difficult, I still hold it
Even though my pain still struggles
Even though it's hard to keep me strong
Just for the sake of forgetting you.

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Melupakan seseorang yang pernah hadir dalam hidup kita itu sulit.

Hana salah meu bacut pih nyan

Mungkin saran dari saya jangan melupakan orang yang istimewa dalam hidup kita, karena bisa menjadi kenangan terindah dalam hidup

Kalau gak melupakan brrti akan teringat sllu dan ssah move on 😅😂

Jangan bersedih yg lalu biarlah berlalu , patah satu tumbuh seribu , jangan larut dalam kesedihan mari berbahagia bersama dalam stemean


Kehilangan seseorang yang kita cintai itu sangat menyakitkan,, salam bg @zikra,, Neutulong kunjungi blog lon sigee2 bg... Terima kasih...

Bagaimana pun kita sudah menjalani semua itu. Biarlah segalanya menjadi kenangan.suatu hari nanti kita akan melupakan.
Salam sukses luar biasa gure

Salam santun untuk kak zikra semoga sukses selalu @zikra

Yang berlalu menjadikan sebuah kenangan dan pengalaman yang berarti.

Patah satu tumbuh seribu rakan, tanyo aneuk agam bek patah semangat, minum exatrajozz,,,hehehe

Mantap that lago, bereh

Bakar potonya,, haha

Biarkan dia bahagia, Iya!
Meski bahagianya tidak bersama mu @zikra :)

Allah has created all beautiful men & women, and ugly ones also.If not created ugly then we had couldn't justify, praise beautiful ones. But we shouldn't ignore them.
all island, hill, mountain, forest,ocean everything is made by Allah, seeing it we become fascinate, but very few we ever think who made it? Why made? He is Allah, we have to back again to Him. He is free from all partnership. thank you very much for such a good post.

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