Fascinated about the word love
One flavor that is never lost from the human heart
The color of the dark black also looks beautiful
If placed with love
The presence of calm the wounded heart
God created the universe equipped with air
Beautifull with stunning views and nature
Man is presented to adhere to faith
A neat heart will not be hard to be tempted by a damned demon
No sense of happiness in your life?
Try asking with your heart
The still-strong body is reluctant to remember its creator
A great young man does not establish his religious pillar
How will ya be happy?
God who gives love to be happy you do not know
The guidance of his teachings does not produce earthly
Exposed to the favors that do not change intrinsically
But many people are unhappy with love
Why ?
Complaining endless and dissolved in sorrow
Hardening like a rock is hard to break
Maybe you are wrong in answering real love
Love is sincere and holy
Suatu dosa yang dilakukan dengan Cinta lebih bernilai ketimbang suatu ibadah tanpa Cinta. Sebab, Ibadah tanpa cinta tidak memperoleh ganjaran selain membuang-buang tenaga. Suatu dosa yang dilakukan dengan Cinta, tentu saja tetap diancam dengan siksaan tapi setidaknya perbuatan itu bisa dinikmati. Jadi, apapun yang kita kerjakan, lakukanlah dengan Cinta. with love... sesederhana itu Ijin resteem
Cinta memang mampu mengubah yang kuat menjadi lemah
jellas :)
saya setuju
benar sekali bang
terima kasih atas komentar indahnya bang
Cinta itu emank buta, tetapi tau mana mobil mana sepeda
Steemit forever.
I love it...
So romance...
thanks :)
Tolong Bantuan Dari Anda @zikra Karena Ada Postingan Yang Kosong Mohon Bantuan nya Bang @zikra ya.
oke :)
Terima Kasih Bang @zikra Sudah Membantu Saya.Terima Kasih Banyak Bang @zikra ya.
Good post...
Selamat@zikra semoga selalu sukses di steemit
mantap that puisi bg @zikra. emag serba mampu droneuh 👍👍
macam dum :D
haha. tapi mantap nyan bg. Lanjutkan bg
Bekk Tuwoe vote,,trep kahana..
Ya lagenyan laj beuseureng seureng,,pue na leupah umedan ngen awak nyoe?
hana bang
Oo kupike na lam rombongan
Nice poetry, have you get a true love :)
And can you find to me a true love. Heheh
Bereh puisi gata..
Hana sanggop ta jangkau menyoe masalah cinta. Lage comment adu lua nanggro "love is blind" but "love always know to compare bicycle and motorcycle" so what is love..?
nyo na butuh bantuan gata seangen adoe.. ka sibulen hana ge peto le dengon vote le tetua getanyo, thoe leah lawet nyoe.,,,
pe jet ne bantu adoe.. ?