Sometimes i wish schooling days are over
So i can rest
Cos ive exhausted my best
So i can fall fall back to my nest
For schooling is like a pest
Am not A writer but, inspiration comes from nowhere
Creativity pays!!!
Sometimes i wish schooling days are over
So i can rest
Cos ive exhausted my best
So i can fall fall back to my nest
For schooling is like a pest
Am not A writer but, inspiration comes from nowhere
Creativity pays!!!
Enjoy the school days, they're limited and will be missed eventually.
To find somthing to hold on to in school is good, somthing that you like more than the other things and fokus on that! The school days end quiqly and If you dont have the choise that a school education gives you its a struggle to be able to prusue the things you lovE! I will say hang in there! And keep on with the writing!