Appreciation of @ajremy poertry contest

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I remain my humble great self @ajibade.
I say a big thank you to @ajremy for this wonderful and great contest.

A formation of skin
Walking endlessly to find itself
Along shores and quiet roads
Carrying heart with a heavy soul

The first paragraph is talking about a human being in search of himself. In search of his true form. In search of relief but still he walks with a heavy soul.

With nothing to feel
Living a life surreal
No turning points;
Nor twisting roads

Second paragraph, he can't feel anything. Nothing is real anymore. Now the line is straight. No turns or twist. Just a long narrow road that might lead to an abyss

Silence fills the mind
Realization come to bind
Everything is but;
An emptiness inside

Third stanza is the conclusion, showing the futility of life. It may mean death and also mean end of all hopes.


Thanks for the entry