The Freedom of Sovereignty - Poetry Dice Entry

in #poetrydice7 years ago (edited)

The sheep in the pen jostle in unrest.
They're glued to Their phones unless They are pressed.
Pyramid above would herd Them about
Controlling Their lives, and They do not shout.
Touching with hands as They enter a plane,
They acquiesce to the lines and the strain.
Freedom of movement, to live in the wild
Is taken from Them, as if They're a child.
No flowers, no trees, no bridges and streams,
The Ones at the top would enter Their dreams,
Speak of obeyance as how to be free
While slaving away with chains They can't see.

I stand to power, true freedom is Mine.
Teepees or tents or castles are all fine
When I stand sovereign on ground that I walk,
Waking the sheep up, arousing the flock,
With solutions to psychopaths in power.
I'll shout it out loud, no, I will not cower!
Each mind that opens to stand beside Me
Is one step closer that We'll All be free.


This is a good poem. Thank you for your entry @amaterasusolar

My pleasure, to be frank! [smile]

I like it:). Thanks for posting the link over in the Gematria Discord. Im new in both places and I'll check out your other work here.

Most welcome, and thank YOU!

This is great stuff. Splendidly written and I can really get behind the meaning of it. It's long overdue that we become more self-determined and cut loose from the herd.

Most humble thanks! Are You familiar with My work...?

I just found you.

Ahhhh. Ok. Check out My playlist on YT - if You watch this here, You'll only see the first vid (the free software I used put in squeaks in the sound; I found a workaround and the rest - less than 1 hour in all - don't have that issue).

I also work to share awareness of a solution to psychopaths in control - that pyramid... See this short playlist - watch on YouTube or You'll only see the first vid (the free software I used put in squeaks in the sound; I found a workaround and the rest - less than 1 hour in all - don't have that issue):

Just want to let you know your friend is a Troll and a spammer thats why he is being downvoted