Poetry Dice Entry(week 26)- EUPHORIC EMBRACE

in #poetrydice7 years ago (edited)

This is my first challenge on Steemit and I decided to submit my entry to @robyneggs Poetry Dice Challenge (week 26) with the theme being: ROMANCE as Valentine's day is approaching. The object is to reference each of the 9 images shown on the dice at least once in your poem. I have taken mostly a suggestive approach instead of directly naming each image...more for the imagination! I hope you enjoy! Photo by @robyneggs

E verlasting imprint
U nearthly attraction
P assionate flounder
H armoniously synergistic
O ver passing discretion
R eaffirmed affection
I ncandescent heart
C limactic emotional pyramid

E nergy surging
M agnified clarity
B rilliantly illuminated
R eciprocal radiance
A nticipated heartbeats
C omplex mystique
E ncompassed by ecstasy


Interesting format of expression. Thank You for your entry. @purplemagic

Thank you for accepting my entry! Usually the poetry I write is more rhythmic and rhyming but this acrostic style came to me very naturally that day so who am I to question the creative flow, right? ;) I was also challenging myself to step out of my comfort zone not only with poetic style but with surpassing thoughts of being too intimidated to participate. I have enjoyed reading the other awesome submissions..very inspiring! :)

Upvoted ☝ Have a great day!