Want a voice in the theme we write about next?
Vote here on a single word choice. The top voted, single word comment, will be the upcoming (week 23) theme. If there is a tie in votes, the earliest comment will be chosen as the winning theme choice. Cheers!
Previous Themes
- Clouds
- Dream
- Solstice
I really like your word choice!!
Hahaha well I guess it's how I think some times
It will be fun to explore using dice! :p
Lol you know it will 😀😀😁😀
Oh, I like the idea of "Memories!"
Yes it will bring out some real real emotions in us 😀
Sock (singular)
"Feel bad for liking my own comment, but it was for the votes!"
Dream was already picked as a theme. Please choose a different theme if you wish to be considered.