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RE: Lost Angel – Corporate America – Poetry Series 01

in #poetsunited7 years ago

As long as Cheetah does not flag you, you are OK. In the future though, if you use the ">" before wording you already have elsewhere on the web, it will show Cheetah that you are quoting, even if just from your own work. We need to do it with our own work as well as with quotes from others, because Cheetah doesn't know the difference. LOL!


O. OK. That's good to know. So the quote from the article needs to be referenced with a web link?

That's what I usually do. Here's what the ">" before text shows up like. you may have seen it on other blogs:

Here's what the ">" before text shows up like. you may have seen it on other blogs

Added: (see source links below)

After the "". Will that work you think?

Cheetah can't read links either. LOL! She's just a bot. The links are more for the benefit of humans. Best to show that the text is somewhere else on the web. in my example above I place the ">" without quotes in front pf the whole sentence that you see quoted. ;-)