SPU Poetry Contest #7: Unity is Like a Bouquet of Flowers

in #poetsunited7 years ago (edited)

Speak gently through a beautiful and orderly poem for the universe:

Not a vain cry that will always trigger trouble and then trigger a split on the earth of mankind

Whisper a simple whisper of thunder and hatred that surrounds the heart:

differences always tempt themselves into arguments to then quarrel with each other

Let's get around, holding hands while singing poems that bring peace to the soul:

unite the rhythm in the word wholeness of the soul that unites humans with one another like a series of fragrances in the bouquet of flowers

Image by google

Irman Syah || @mpugondrong



Terimakasih apresiasinya @puanswarnabhumi

Semoga baik dan sehat.
Salam @mpugondrong

Mantap pak


Selamat datang di steemit @alfosyahri9


Perbedaan memang sebuah keanekaragaman yang berwarna. Jika disatukan, akan memanjakan Netra.

Aksara nan sarat makna Bang @mpugondrong.

Terimakasih @ettydiallova

Senang dengan apressiasinya. Iya, mata akan termanjakan oleh keindahan.. Apalagi keutuhan dalam ikatan persatuan.

Jabat-erat @mpugondrong

I hope this poem tell more than a word say. When we reading a poem, we know how it make different situation of life and live. Keep moving forward.

oks. tengkiu ailapyu betmen poreper..
Sore ini ada di Tim kah @abdrianhabibi?

Salam KSI: @mpugondrong

I Love This. Thank You @mpugondrong.

Thanks again @ rensoul17

Thank you for liking this simple poem

I've followed you
Salam @mpugondrong