Love, a strong word
Few to uphold though many on board
Hate, a silent act
Cheap to keep, a hater of facts
Alive, a free mode
It requires no heavy findings or cracking of codes
Death, an airplane situation
Man's final rest, a moment of eternal salvation
Sight, a peep into the future
A chance to be your life's author
Blind, an expensive from of ignorance
A road only survived by arrogance
White, a symbol of hope
But without the night can the day cope
Black, a symbol of power
Without it, the world would scatter.
Can i speak of myself to you, can i present my purest side too
To the world of hope i glue, even when i have no clue
For life is a game of pool, only few port the white ball the rest are tools
Lets live life with no regret, a life full of hope, honor and you been decent.
Just a writing about live and her siblings.
..........Building a Legacy out of a Hobby............................... @pharaohspeaks........................
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